Resume Guidelines
Personal Information (Include for English-style resume):
1. Nationality
2. Age
3. Marital Status
Personal Information (Include for rirekisho (Japanese)-style):
1. Nationality (if non-Japanese)
2. Age
3. Marital Status
4. Gender
5. Family Members
6. Hobbies
7. Club Memberships
All of the below pertains to the English-style resume:
Professional Experience:
1. Include company descriptors
2. Specify if work was full or part time
3. Include all teamwork experience
Special Skills (include):
1. Language Skills (especially Japanese)
2. Computer Skills (specify PC or Mac)
Length: One to two pages long
Cover Letters are generally NOT a part of an application for a job
For more information on marketing jobs, or jobs of any type, contact ResumeEdge.com