Tuesday, March 3, 2009



Resume Guidelines


1. Begin with data on secondary/high school such as specific courses and programs
2. Indicate if you studied abroad
3. This section is in chronological order

Professional Experience:

1. This section is in reverse chronological order
2. Specify if employment was part or full time
3. Explain gaps in employment
4. Explain why you chose part time over full time employment

Special Skills (include):

1. Language Skills
2. Computer Skills

Military Experience: Must be included

Interests/Hobbies: Briefly describe

Format: Do NOT use a functional format; begin with education followed by experience

Length: No longer than two pages

Cover Letter Guidelines

1. Position you’re applying for and why
2. Skills, experience, abilities that will be valuable to targeted company
3. Include date you started your current position and personal/professional development with company
4. If unemployed at present, state that in letter

Length and Format: No more than one page; A4 page setup rather than 8 ½” x 11”

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